Got another letter from my son at Navy Boot Camp. He sent this last Sunday ( the 5th ) and he already called us Tuesday. He graduates this Friday the 10th. Div 259.
His letter home below.
"The 20 min run was fun
I passed the final PFA ( Physical Fitness Assessment ) and I also passed Test 3.
Results below
1 1/2 mile run 10:49
2 min Push Ups 62
2 min sit ups 97
Test 3 3.8
The gas chamber sucked. I had a hole in my mask and they told me "You will live" so I got every pill of tear gas. Plus I was in front of the hot pan, that thing they drop the pill on. I did not throw up or anything, but I could not see at all for a few minutes. If I would not have had a hole in my mask it would have been easy. You get one pill for less that 30 seconds.
We had Captains Cup yesterday ( Saturday ) My Div got 3rd out of 12. The Seals division got 1st. The Seals division chant was that song "Afternoon Delight" which I still find funny, seeing a bunch of to-be Seals hopping and skipping around while singing that song.
I can't wait till Tuesday. We get a Pizza Party, Navy Ball caps, a phone call home and we are going to watch the movie "Saving Private Ryan". Well I have to shine my shoes for graduation and we now do all laundry in-house so I have to help with that too. ( 76ish people to clean clothing for )
Talk to you Tuesday.
Love, John "
congrats to your son! I am sure he makes you very proud. Thank you for your support to your son. It is always great to have parental support. I ship out 20120918
I ship out 20120814. I'm just 2 days away from boot camp. I am not nervous or excited and I don't think I will be until I reach RTC.
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