Saturday, September 15, 2007

View recently uploaded Blogger images with Blogger Play

Like looking at random photos? Blogger Play guarantees you'll almost never see the same photos twice. That's because this photo slideshow shows only images that have been recently uploaded to Google's Blogger. And recent means pretty much in the last 15 minutes or so.

Most of the tool was written about two years ago, shortly after Blogger added the ability to upload photos. But it was just a toy for in-house workers to see what people were uploading. Now, the team has added some controls that let you adjust the slide speed and move forward and backward. You can also click an image to see the original Blog post, or click the "show info" button to see an excerpt from the Blog post and the time it was written.

Blogger Play uses Google's SafeSearch to block out adult images, so it should be safe to use at work or when your kids are around. If you have a Blogger page and you'd rather not have your images appear on Blogger Play, it looks like your only option is to remove your page from Blogger's listings.

If your ready go take a look.

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