Friday, September 08, 2006

Philadelphia Opens High-Tech School of the Future ( Our city schools banned PDA's this year )

In our town in south-east Kansas the local school system ( USD 413 ) banned students from bringing PDA's and laptops to School this year. My son used a PDA all the way through high school for his notes and other school papers, it really seemed to help him allot. In Philadelphia they opened a public high school where students work on wireless laptops, teachers eschew traditional subjects for real-world topics and parents can track their child's work on the Internet.Called "The School of the Future" and created with help from software giant Microsoft the school combines innovative teaching with the latest technology.

It looks to me like Kansas wants to keep the kids in the dark ages. Technology is all around us; and we can’t predict what that technology will look like in the future, as it changes far too fast. We do know that the students who have the ability to use technology will have far more opportunities than those who cannot use technology.

Educators should give students the knowledge and skills they need to adapt to and use technology. What's your view?

read more | digg story

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