Just my day to day stuff. Computers, Family and Life. Two kids in the U.S. Navy and one in the U.S. Army
Monday, December 25, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
101 Classic Christmas Videos that you can watch Online
Uninstall Norton products with Norton Removal Tool
I found a tool to remove Norton products developed by Norton themselves. Think about this, why would Norton create a Removal Tool when it can be removed from Add or Remove Programs? There must be something wrong with uninstalling Norton products from Add or Remove Programs.
Norton Removal Tool can remove:
1. Norton AntiSpam 2004 and 2005
2. Norton AntiVirus 2003 through 2007.1
3. Norton Ghost 2009, 9.0 and 10.0
4. Norton GoBack 3.1 through 4.2
5. Norton Internet Security 2003 through 2007.1
6. Norton Password Manager
7. Norton Personal Firewall 2003 through 2006
8. Norton SystemWorks 2003 through 2007
9. Norton Confidential Online 2007
10. Norton Internet Security Add-on Pack
11. Norton 360
Download Norton Removal Tool for Windows XP/2000
Download Norton Removal Tool for Windows Me/98
First Security Updates for Firefox 2.0
According to the company, release of Firefox fixes flaws in memory corruption as well as the way the browser executes RSS (really simple syndication), Javascript and CSS (cascading style sheets) code, among other vulnerabilities. Mozilla also patched similar flaws in its Firefox 1.5 browser.
Five of the eight flaws were rated as critical, according to Firefox. A critical rating means a Firefox user would be vulnerable to attack and remote software installation on their machines just from browsing the Web in the usual fashion. Two of the flaws were rated as high, while one received a low security-risk rating, Firefox said.
What's New in Firefox Click here to find out.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
School District Dropping Macs for More "Appropriate Technology"
Read the article here.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Public Service Announcement: Food Commodities will be distributed Friday December 15th, 9:00am Otterbein United Methodist Church
Foods will be available to individuals and families based on income. Please bring Identification, proof of Address and proof of income for all applicable family members.
Recipients of cash assistance, food stamps and general assistance are automatically eligible for Food Commodities with proof of current benefits.
Income Guidelines are:
Household size - Max Monthly Income
1 - $1062
2 - $1430
3 - $1799
4 - $2167
5 - $2535
6 - $2904
7 - $3272
8 - $3640
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Things you can do instead of buying a PS3
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Apple patches 22 security holes in Mac OS X
PC PitStop market research
Here are some of the highlights:
AVG Anti-Virus is the market leader and is gaining serious ground. While trailing far behind, Microsoft is also gaining ground fast on the likes of Symantec and McAfee.
As more users use anti-spyware, there has been a decline in installed spyware.
Most popular anti-spyware apps are Ad-Aware, SpyBot S&D and Windows Defender.
WinZip is losing ground as the most popular compression tool (because they have started to become more aggressive when it comes to charging), WinRAR is gaining ground.
Windows Backup usage has increased 1% over the past year.
When it comes to browser toolbars usage, Google and Yahoo! are on the increase, with Microsoft and AOL are in decline.
Skype is by far the most popular choice for VOIP, up nearly 3% in the past year.
iTunes is on the way up, up over 5% in the last 12 months.
Most popular Office suite, Microsoft Office, followed by Microsoft Works, followed by Microsoft Works Suite. Way behind is Open Office.
Read the report here.
Watch the Video below for more info.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
2 College Student's Sue Over Book Prices
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Firefox, IE vulnerable to fake login pages
Dubbed a reverse cross-site request, or RCSR, vulnerability by its discoverer, Robert Chapin, the flaw lets hackers compromise users' passwords and usernames by presenting them with a fake login form. Firefox Password Manager will automatically enter any saved passwords and usernames into the form.
The data is then automatically sent to an attacker's computer without the user's knowledge.
Read more about this here
Thursday, November 16, 2006
USDA says 12 mln Americans faced hunger in 2005
"It is simply unacceptable that after years of economic growth, 35.1 million people in this country face a constant struggle against hunger," said FRAC president Jim Weill. The group urged an expansion of the food stamp and school meal programs as well as a higher minimum wage.
Read the rest of the Article here
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Happy Birthday
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Firefox 2's built in spell check
1. Go to about:config in your URL bar
2. Search for spellcheckDefault
3. Change the value of spellcheckDefault to 2
That’s it. Now Firefox will spell check all input boxes automatically.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Google Accidentally Sends Out Kama Sutra Worm to 50,000 members
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Been busy and Movies

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been busy. I finally ordered two movies that I have not seen in a long time, Sharkys Machine, and Three Days of the Condor from Wal-Mart.com. I would have just rented them but our local rental place ( Movie Gallery) doesn't carry them, it seems like they only carry movies for young people, by that I mean 18-25 year olds. It is almost funny, every time my wife calls them and ask do you have this movie or that movie the answer is no we don't. Luckily the cost of buying them is not much more that the normal rental fees. My movies should be here by the end of the week, that will be nice.
We did rent three movies last weekend, "Click" which had a good concept but was full of sophomoric jokes tailored for teenagers, "Failure to Launch", which was not too bad. "Failure to Launch", is about a guy that does not want to move out of his parents house, apparently this is happening allot now in real life. When we were growing up we couldn't wait to move out and be on our own, not so nowadays. The last movie we rented was "the break-up", we will watch that one later this week.
In other news we did get our Flu Shots yesterday, I am glad that we got them early. When I had the flu last year I was sick with 103-104 fever and on the couch for a week feeling like crap. I don't want to do that again. Hope everyone has a great week and make sure you get out and exercise your right to vote today. :)
Monday, October 30, 2006
Windows Media Player 11 for XP is available for download.
Download size: 24.6MB. This download requires that you are running a genuine copy of Windows and that it passes validation.
The Internet is just a fad
Evan Hansen, a sophomore at Falls Church High School, said he didn't buy into the MySpace hype and is waiting for the craze to die.
"Over time, people are going to get sick of talking to people on the computer," he said. "I just think people will want to spend more time with each other -- without the wall of technology."
You heard it folks, The Internet is just a fad. LOL
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Just in time... How To make Tombstones for Halloween.
Internet Explorer 7 Quick Reference Sheet
Internet Explorer 7 Quick Reference Sheet
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Set Your Clock: It's the End of Daylight-Saving Time

Officially we will fall back to standard time at 2 a.m. Sunday, though most of us will change our clocks Saturday night.
This is the last time the change will come in October. Thanks to a law passed last year, daylight-saving time will start earlier and end later beginning in 2007. It will last from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November.
Some states and territories don't observe daylight-saving time and won't have to worry about changing their clocks. Those are Arizona, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Marianas.
Daylight-saving time returns next March 11.
Monday, October 23, 2006
IE 7's heavily promoted security features
Firefox 2 due out tomorrow
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Internet Explorer 7 is Out

Just a quick post to let you guys know that IE7 was released just a few hours ago.
Some improvements over IE6 includes: New Interface, RSS Feeds, Phishing Filter, Protected Mode, Tabbed Browsing, and PNG support among many others.Upgrade with confidence. Get downloads for Internet Explorer 7, including recommended updates as they become available. To download Internet Explorer 7 in the language of your choice, please visit the Internet Explorer 7 worldwide page
The setup is available from this location.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Windows Live Writer...Free Blogging App.

Microsoft has released a new beta version of its unexpected free Blogging app, Windows Live Writer. Writer 1.0 beta puts some more polish on the program, as well as a few new features, in particular support for tagging via several services including Technorati and del.icio.us (still no Ultimate Tag Warrior), support for the new Blogger Beta, and improved category handling. It also features faster start-ups and improved style detection for Blogs, and about a dozen other little improvements. On top of that, Microsoft has added a Writer section to Windows Live Gallery where you can download plugins for the app or submit your own. The selection is sparse just now, but it does have Firefox and IE "Blog This" plugins, an Event plugin (with hCalendar microformat support) and a Flickr plugin.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Public Service Announcement, Chanute, Kansas... Commodities
TEFAP Food Commodities For the Chanute area ( Neosho County Kansas ) will be distributed Monday September 25th, 9:00am - 4:00pm or until I am out of food at the Otterbein United Methodist Church 631 W. 7th, Chanute, KS. Entrance will be on the East side of the church under the canopy.
Foods will be available to individuals and families based on income. Please bring Identification, proof of Address and proof of income for all applicable family members.
Recipients of cash assistance, food stamps and general assistance are automatically eligible for Food Commodities with proof of current benefits.
Income Guidelines are:
Household size - Max Monthly Income
1 - $1062
2 - $1430
3 - $1799
4 - $2167
5 - $2535
6 - $2904
7 - $3272
8 - $3640
For each additional Family member Add: $369
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Want to Digg? Not if you have Firefox

Going to Digg today? Not if you use Firefox. I went to Digg.com and went to digg a post and received an error "Digg not saved, Please try again later." I tried it in IE and Opera and had no problem with Digg. Does Digg have a problem with Firefox? It looks like it. By the way I asked my son to test it and he had the same results as me.
Two Windows Security Flaws
The first is a zero day exploit that affects Internet Explorer ( and Outlook ) even on fully patched copies of Windows XP. The second is a file corruption bug in Windows 2000 introduced by a Microsoft patch. Steve Gibson has fixes for both in his Security Now podcast, plus an interview with the fellow who discovered the VWL exploit. For 16kpbs versions, transcripts, and notes (including fixes), visit Steve's site: grc.com, also the home of ShieldsUp and the best disk maintenance and recovery utility ever written Spinrite 6.
If you have never heard of Steve Gibson you really should go over to his website at Gibson Research and at least do the ShieldsUp test. You just might be amazed and surprised at what you find.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Microsoft issues workaround for latest Internet Explorer 0-day exploit
On the Sunbelt Blog, Eric Sites, VP or Research and Development, shows how a fully patched system can be compromised by visiting a web page making use of the malicious code. This is being used to install nasty spyware and adware.
Microsoft has issued a workaround for latest 0-day exploit for Internet Explorer. This workaround will disable VML rendering but most users won't really notice this.
The workaround involves unregistering a DLL file called vgx.dll (to do this you need admin privileges).
Click Start, click Run, type regsvr32 -u "%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VGX\vgx.dll", and then click OK.
Undoing this change is simple and only requires you to re-register vgx.dll.
Click Start, click Run, type regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VGX\vgx.dll", and then click OK.
This should be safe to do once a patch is released.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
The Top 10 Most Stressful Professions

According to 33 News abc survy IT experts are more likely to suffer from stress than any other professional , A staggering 97 percent of people working in IT claim to find their life at work stressful on a daily basis.The poll revealed that IT professionals say it is difficult to get the work done when managers are constantly on their backs.
One IT respondent said: “I spend most of my day fielding calls from people who don’t even have a basic knowledge of computers and printers.“It is amazing the amount of time I spend teaching people where the on-off button is. “And when I do actually find a technical problem to solve, I have my manager breathing down my neck wondering why I have a backlog of complaints.”
People working in medical professions have the second most stressful job – with 96.8 percent saying caring for others is rewarding but traumatic on the same hand.
Engineers, Sales and Marketing professionals and Teachers also have demanding roles, according to the poll.
Medicine / Caring Profession
Sales and Marketing
Human Resources
Feeling undervalued
Type of work people have to do
Having to take on other people’s work
Lack of job satisfaction
Lack of control over the working day
Having to work long hours
Frustration with the working environment
Seeing others not pulling their weight
Managers changing their minds about what they want doing
Lack of support from managers
Pressure from managers
Feeling put-upon by managers
Interruptions by colleagues
Interruptions by managers
Bullying behavior by managers
Lack of support from colleagues
Bullying behavior by colleagues
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Firefox Update
Mozilla Firefox is now available for download from the Mozilla Firefox product page. Users of previous version will be offered the upgrade through the Firefox software update system. This release fixes several critical security vulnerabilities. See the Mozilla Firefox Release Notes for more information.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Public Service Announcement Chanute, Kansas
TEFAP Food Commodities For the Chanute area ( Neosho County Kansas ) will be distributed Monday September 25th, 9:00am at the Otterbein United Methodist Church 631 W. 7th, Chanute, KS. Entrance will be on the East side of the church under the canopy.
Foods will be available to individuals and families based on income. Please bring Identification, proof of Address and proof of income for all applicable family members.
Recipients of cash assistance, food stamps and general assistance are automatically eligible for Food Commodities with proof of current benefits.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
112 Run Commands for Windows XP
Good morning, I woke up about an hour ago and am on my second cup of Coffee and was reading my tech news and came across this. It's a list of 112 Run Commands for Windows. This will really save a lot of time. There are many commands which you might have never seen or never knew. Go check it out here.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Tribute Sept. 11
The History Of Hacking
A quality documentary about hacking from the 1960's to date. Takes a historical approach, looking at the role of the hacker during this time. |
Monday, September 11, 2006
FineTune -Create your own Playlist, Listen and Share with Others!

Finetune is all about good music. It's a web based service that lets you create playlists that you like, listen to them online and share it with your friends. You can choose from 2 million sound tracks that already in Finetune library.
read more | digg story
Saturday, September 09, 2006
University Survival Guide
Topics covered are
* Who are these people and why are they messing with my mind? Ever wonder why you have to take some of the courses you do? This might help.
* Taking Multiple Choice Tests
* What is an A? What exactly do professors want in an essay exam or term paper? Includes samples of A, B, C, and D-F writing with explanations why.
* References for College Papers Can I reference my class notes? (No) What about the Internet? (Maybe) Get The Rules here.
* Top Ten No Sympathy Lines Warning! Blunt Language!
* How to Learn Facts
Go here to read the answers.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Turn any Windows XP or 2000 PC with an Internet connection into a CGI proxy you can use at work to bypass web filters.
Download Circumventor here.
Philadelphia Opens High-Tech School of the Future ( Our city schools banned PDA's this year )
It looks to me like Kansas wants to keep the kids in the dark ages. Technology is all around us; and we can’t predict what that technology will look like in the future, as it changes far too fast. We do know that the students who have the ability to use technology will have far more opportunities than those who cannot use technology.
Educators should give students the knowledge and skills they need to adapt to and use technology. What's your view?
read more | digg story
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Bug Found in ICQ Client "AOL"
AOL is advising users of its ICQ instant messaging service to update to the latest version of the ICQ software following the discovery of a bug in an older version of the product.
Security researchers at Core Security Technologies today reported that they had discovered the flaw in ICQ Pro 2003b, a version of the ICQ client that AOL still offers for download and bills as a "veteran version" for users who prefer the earlier look and feel.
Although the bug doesn't affect more recent ICQ software like ICQ 5.1, it could mean serious problems for ICQ Pro 2003b users
Core has also discovered less-critical issues in AOL's ICQ Toolbar 1.3 for Internet Explorer. These flaws could allow attackers to change the toolbar's configuration settings or possibly even run scripting code by sending victims maliciously encoded RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds.
AOL says it is working to fix the bugs, but the company classifies them as "minor and low-risk". Any users who are concerned can simply upgrade to the latest version of ICQ or not load suspicious RSS feeds, said an AOL spokesman
September 12th Patch Tuesday "Microsoft"

On 12 September 2006 Microsoft is planning to release:
Security Updates
Two Microsoft Security Bulletins affecting Microsoft Windows. The highest Maximum Severity rating for these is Important. These updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer. Some of these updates will require a restart.
One Microsoft Security Bulletin affecting Microsoft Office. The highest Maximum Severity rating for these is Critical. These updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer. These updates may require a restart.
Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool
Microsoft will release an updated version of the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool on Windows Update, Microsoft Update, Windows Server Update Services and the Download Center. Note that this tool will NOT be distributed using Software Update Services (SUS).
Non-security High Priority updates on MU, WU, WSUS and SUS
Microsoft will release Two NON-SECURITY High-Priority Updates for Windows on Windows Update (WU) and Software Update Services (SUS).
Microsoft will release three NON-SECURITY High Priority Updates on Microsoft Update (MU) and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).
Fix Sign in Error 80004005 for Windows Live Messenger
If you are encountering this error 80004005 when signing in to Windows Live Messenger, go install the latest version of Windows Live Messenger from
After installation, verify that you have the version 8.0.0812. If you are still experiencing the issue, pelase contact Messenger Support at http://support.live.com and choose Windows Live Messenger.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Use your Windows Media Player playlist in Foobar 2000
We have several playlist saved for windows media player and I was just wondering how to use these playlist in Foobar 2000 and I found the solution. You have to save the playlist as M3U Playlist. To do this follow the directions below.
By default, playlists in Windows Media Player 9 Series or later are saved as Windows Media playlists with a .wpl file name extension. However, you can save a Windows Media playlist as an M3U playlist with a .m3u file name extension by doing the following:
1. Click Library.
2. In the Contents pane (the left pane), expand the My Playlists category, and then click a playlist.
3. On the File menu, click Save Now Playing List As (Save Playlist As in Windows Media Player 9 - 11 Series), click Save as type, and then click M3U Playlist(*.m3u).
4. In the File name box, type a file name for the M3U playlist, and then click Save.
Go into Foobar 2000 and open the M3U playlist. :)
A Little Learning is an Expensive Thing
With a son that just started College this year I think this is relevant to all Parents and College Freshman. This is the honest speech a college President never got to give. :)
Go read the speech and let me know what you think.
Sofa that turns into a bunk bed

I just had to post about this. I saw this while reading the news today. It is really neat. It is a sofa that turns into a bunkbed. This would be great for cramped spaces or college dorms. You can see it here at Compact Living.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
New Codec really a Trojan
Security firm Panda Software last week warned that zCodec, which claims to offer "up to 40 percent better (video) quality", is in fact an adware program that can install Trojans, rootkits and other malicious software. zCodec is freely available online and, as of Monday afternoon, was easy enough to find, offering downloads from its own website - zcodec.com. The site uses images from the films Sin City and Pulp Fiction, and claims zCodec will boost audio as well as video quality. "zCodec is a multimedia compressor/decompressor which registers into the Windows collection of multimedia drivers and integrates with any application using DirectShow and Microsoft Video for Windows," the site states.
Panda's advisory last week revealed that the 100KB file is in fact adware, which "downloads and runs files, changes the DNS configuration and monitors accesses to several adult websites". zCodec, formally known as Adware/ZCodec or Adware/EMediacodec, affects most versions of Windows and was first detected last week, Panda said.
When run, the program alters the system's DNS configuration in order to divert traffic to DNS servers of its choice, a technique sometimes used as part of a phishing scam or to rack up clicks for advertising schemes.
zCodec also accesses a particular IP address to randomly select and download one of a collection of files. The files that could be downloaded include Ruins.MB, a Trojan horse that uses rootkit techniques to conceal itself, Panda said. zCodec could also download an online casino program.
A second file launches every time the user starts Internet Explorer and monitors Web usage. Panda said its software can remove zCodec.
Online music on demand

I am still on my first cup of coffee for the day and was just reading the news and then I came across this site called blogmusik. Blogmusik allows you to listen to your favorite music on the net on demand. You can also share a song with a friend or make your own playlist. It uses Adobe Flash Player. Go on over and take a look and try it out.
The service has an associated blog here, and Myspace page here.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Stop Badware

Badware is software, such as spyware and adware, that has been deceptively installed in the user's computer. Although it may also be called "malware," badware is not designed to purposefully destroy data or compromise a system as is a virus or Trojan. However, badware can slow down a computer while monitoring and reporting a user's habits to a third-party Web site.
Go on over to stopbadware.org and take a look. StopBadware.org is a "Neighborhood Watch" campaign aimed at fighting badware, that garbage that comes bundled with some software. If you want an example of Badware look no furthur than AOL 9.0. Read the report here.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
The Foobar 2000 audio player, An alternative to Windows Media Player.

An alternative to Windows Media Player is Foobar 2000. It is open source and has a nice clean interface and is easy to use. My wife complained that there was no volume control in foobar but after a little looking I found it. It you want to use the mouse, double-click on the lower-right-hand corner of your foobar2000 window where it says 0.00 dB. A window with a volume bar will pop up. See my screenshot in this post. Just to let you know foobar 2000's volume control is independent from the Windows mixer so it won't affect your overall system volume.
Download Foobar 2000 here.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Microsoft releases latest version of Windows Media Player 11 Beta 2
The second beta for WMP 11 includes additional stores: eMusic, VidZone and Music Giants. The total number of stores offered by WMP 11 is 14, Microsoft said in a statement. One of the new features in the latest beta version of Windows Media Player 11, released Thursday, allows a user to share content with multiple devices within a home.
The upgrade of the jukebox is important to Microsoft's plan for unseating Apple Computer as top dog in digital music. WMP 11 has received favorable reviews and critics have said that it's a sign Microsoft could be finally moving out of Apple's shadow.
The media-sharing abilities of WMP 11 are a step towards ushering in the so-called "digital home."

Download WMP 11 here.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band as the favorite No. 1 album of all time
The Beatles had four albums in the top 10, with "Revolver" at six, "Abbey Road" at eight and band's eponymous set, also known as "The White Album" at 10.
Michael Jackson's '80s blockbuster "Thriller" was ranked No. 2, ahead of U2's "The Joshua Tree," Fleetwood Mac's "Rumours" and Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here," respectively.
Also making the top 10 were Simon and Garfunkel's "Bridge Over Troubled Water" at No. 7, and Queen's "A Night At The Opera" at No. 9.
Pink Floyd's ground-breaking 1973 album "Dark Side of the Moon" topped a separate list, winning the "Best of the Rest" title for those albums which did not reach the pinnacle of the albums chart. The album, which has gone on to become one of the all-time best-sellers, peaked at No. 2 in Britain following its release.
The public was invited to vote online at the Official U.K. Charts Company's official Web site, and the BBC Radio 2 Music Club Web site.
From Billboard.biz
First Annual Top Gaming Colleges Survey
Some choose colleges for their diverse student bodies, great football teams, crazy parties or active Greek life.
But a growing number of students are choosing colleges based on their compatibility with video gaming. Super hi-speed connections and dedicated servers, big-screen TVs in lounges, gaming-related classes, social events centering around LAN parties and perks like free download licensing are increasingly part of the lure of certain schools.
If your still undecided on which College to attend then read the rest of he article here.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
MSN Messenger Adds One-Click Sex Offender Report Button.
read more | digg story
Senator Ted Stevens Downloads the Entire Internet and Complains It's Slow!
read more | digg story
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Watch your favourite TV channels in your browser - FREE
read more | digg story
Monday, August 21, 2006
AOL chief technology officer resigns:
Cat Schwartz on the Today Show

For all of the old TechTV fans out there that used to watch Call For Help, you can see Cat Schwartz tomorrow Tues. the 22nd, between 8-9am on the Today Show on NBC. She will be talking about back-to-school tech. If you don't know who she is you can read more here.
150 Cool Downloads for Windows XP
This morning I found a great site (on Live Spaces, no less) that tracked 150 cool downloads for Windows XP. I have known about most of these before but it's nice to have them all listed in one place.
Is your personal computer ready for college?
read more | digg story
Sunday, August 20, 2006
What does your browser reveal about your personality?
read more | digg story
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Thank you Cableone...

Good morning, as you may have seen in an earlier post here we have been having problems with our internet connection with Cableone for about a month. The problems, slow speeds and the cable modem going offline altogether. Yesterday it happened again, we couldn't get anywhere on the net so after a few calls to cableone tech support and one call to our local office the general manager of our local cable office came out. He had run some test and determined that our modem was not getting enough of a signal from the cable line. He himself put a new line and a new splitter on the outside of our house and ran the new line directly to the cable modem. Now everything seems to be working great. He also said that he will come out next week to replace the cable lines to our TV's. I just want to thank Clarence Matlock for coming out and doing this for us yesterday in the 106 degree heat. We really appreciate it.
Skype + Outlook = Skylook!
read more | digg story
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Firefox Video tutorials
Do you want to teach someone how to use Firefox? Maybe they would learn more if you gave them a visual to study? I ran across this series of Firefox video tutorials this morning.
Right now they cover: Tabbed Browsing, Live Bookmarking, Integrated Search, Themes, and Add-ons or Extensions.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
A New Way to test your Bandwidth Speed
Applications that test bandwidth speeds have been around for a long time, but Speedtest.net takes this concept to a new level.
The site allows you to select servers to ping from around the country on an interactive map and graphically displays connections as they travel with varying speeds along the way. It also lets you store results of tests for your computer and sort them by date, time, speed and distance.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Testing Windows Live Writer
I just installed Windows Live Writer and this is a test post.
Microsoft has released a new blogging tool called Windows Live Writer. While obviously compatible with Windows Live Spaces this program also works with Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, WordPress and more!
Setup auto-detects your blog & settings
Edit & format text just like Microsoft Word
Place photos where you want them, even wrap the text!
Insert a Windows Live Map!
And . . Spellcheck!
Malware Analysis: Drive-by Download
Network security analyst Corey Nachreiner, CISSP, shows what happens when you're browsing the Web and a "drive-by download" attack hits you. Produced by LiveSecurity for WatchGuard Technologies. |
Thursday, August 10, 2006
DM2 - Windows Enhancements
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Department of Homeland Security has issued a warning to Windows users
"Windows Operating Systems users are encouraged to avoid delay in applying this security patch. Attempts to exploit vulnerabilities in operating systems routinely occur within 24 hours of the release of a security patch. This vulnerability could impact government systems, private industry and critical infrastructure, as well as individual and home users."
The reason that this vulnerability is being taken so seriously is that it could be used in a network worm attack similar to Blaster, Slammer of Sasser.
Users can apply the Microsoft MS06-040 security patch here
Home user may prefer to go to Windows Update at http://update.microsoft.com and select “express” to install critical security updates, including the MS06-040 security patch.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
New build: Windows Live Messenger 8.0.0812.00

New build: Windows Live Messenger 8.0.0812.00
Less than two months after the final release of Windows Live Messenger, a new build was released last night. No word on any changes in Windows Live Messenger 8.0.0812.00 from the previous version, but I'm looking into it.
Download it here
Serious improvements to the quality of audio and video
Fewer messenger crashes, hangs, and connectivity issues.
Fix for "error 80004005"
“Before I got this error, I had just changed my friendly name to something REALLY long w/ emoticons.”
That was the key! In messenger, there is a max length for friendly names. When you sign-in it checks to make sure your friendly name is under this max. But it was calculating the length in two different ways:
Below is from the Messenger Blog
"Say limit is 6 characters per friendly name. Messenger would let me type “LeahJ” no problem, because it was counting the whole emoticon as one character, and thus my friendly name was 5 characters total. But the next time I tried to sign-in, Messenger would do a check which would count each character of the emoticon separately and thus “Leah:-)” added up to 7 characters, which is over the max limit of 6. Error."
Sunday, August 06, 2006
I am beginning to think that the hot weather will never go away

I am beginning to think that the hot weather will never go away, yesterday was another 100+ degree day and today the forecast is for a high of 104 degrees. This sucks. The grass and bushes in our yard are all dying. We have not had a good rain in what seems like forever. The long range forecast does not give us any real hope. From what we can see it looks like most of August will be this way.
Friday, August 04, 2006
My Brother turns 40 tomorrow

My little brother turns 40 tomorrow August 5th, Happy Birthday Mark ( that's him in the pictures above ). Hope you have a great day....
“Life begins at 40 - but so do fallen arches, rheumatism, faulty eyesight, and the tendency to tell a story to the same person, three or four times.”
Helen Rowland
Microsoft Heads for Another Big Patch Tuesday
Security Updates
Ten Microsoft Security Bulletins affecting Microsoft Windows. The highest Maximum Severity rating for these is Critical. These updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer and the Enterprise Scan Tool. Some of these updates will require a restart.
Two Microsoft Security Bulletins affecting Microsoft Office. The highest Maximum Severity rating for these is Critical. These updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer. These updates may require a restart.
Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool
Microsoft will release an updated version of the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool on Windows Update, Microsoft Update, Windows Server Update Services and the Download Center. Note that this tool will NOT be distributed using Software Update Services (SUS).
Non-security High Priority updates on MU, WU, WSUS and SUS
Microsoft will not release any NON-SECURITY High-Priority Updates for Windows on Windows Update (WU) and Software Update Services (SUS).
Microsoft will release two NON-SECURITY High-Priority Updates on Microsoft Update (MU) and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Maybe I was too hard on Cableone

Maybe I was too hard on Cableone. Yesterday afternoon I called the local office ( earlier I had called the 800 number for tech support ) and told them that I was thinking of switching to ATT DSL and they sent a tech over to my house. The tech, Tom was very knowledgeable and said that he would look into things and he even gave me his personal cell phone number and told me to call him anytime that I was having problems. I had a slow down last night at 9pm and I promptly called Tom and he said that he would go to the local office and check to see what was going on. I had to leave to do some stuff and by the time I was home at 10:30pm we were back up to speed. This morning my speed is 3124 Kbps or 3.12 Mbps download, now that is more like it. :) Thanks Tom....
What is your connection speed? Go to www.testmy.com to find out.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Slow internet speeds with Cableone

We have been having problems with our speed on cableone ( our ISP ) for about two weeks. Lately sometimes it seems like we are back on dialup. This morning I did a speed test and my results were 429 kbps down and 26 up. That is ridiculous for the price that we are paying. We have a package deal with our cable company and our monthly bill runs at just above $100, no we are not getting movie channels on cable. So the $100 price tag is for cable TV and Internet service. I decided to call cableone this morning, by the time they answered the phone my connection was back to high speed with a test result of 3221 download and 322 upload. It's somthing, in all the years that I have had cableone internet they never admit that the problem might be on their end ( it's always the customers fault ), even when several other people in town are having the same problem, here is a quote from today from the tech support person " even if several people in your area are having slow connections it just means that their computers are not working correctly" LOL I am seriously thinking about switching to ATT DSL if this is not resolved soon.
Test your speed here
This was resolved with a new cable modem and a separate line for the cable modem, thank you Cableone.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Monday, July 31, 2006
The hot weather seems determined to stay around for a while

Good morning, it's another Monday here in Kansas and the hot weather seems determined to stay around for a while longer with a high today of 105 and the next several days at 100 degrees or above. I really want to have my house insulated, our house is just over 100 years old and has no insulation in the walls. When it's hot outside the walls inside are hot to the touch ( the same goes for the cold winter months ). I guess that will be our next big expense. It's so hot here the cold water from the tap feels hot, no kidding.... In other news my son starts College in 22 days he is a little nervous but I know that he will do just fine.
His classes this semester are
Math-113 College Algebra
Psyc-100 College Orientation
CSIS-240 C++ Programming
COMM-207 Fundamentals Of Speech
PHYS-171 Physical Science
PHYS-172 Physical Science Lab
Hope everyone has a great week.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
It's just HOT..... Heat advisory remains in effect

Sorry I have not been posting too much, it's just to darn hot to do anything. Looks like we will have a cool down into the 90s Wednesday, oh boy....
Heat advisory remains in effect
The combination of very hot temperatures and high humidity will drive heat indices into the 105 to 110 degree range during the afternoon and early evening from today thru Tuesday. Since heat indices are determined for a shady and light wind environment ... exposure to full sunshine may increase these values by as much as 15 degrees!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Firefox update plugs 'critical' holes...Version
The most serious of the flaws could be exploited by cyberattackers to commandeer a vulnerable PC, according to Mozilla. The company, which oversees Firefox development, has published security advisories for each of the flaws repaired by the Firefox update.
The flaws are fixed in Firefox, which Mozilla has started pushing out to Firefox users via the update feature in the open-source Web browser. In addition to the security fixes, the browser update includes stability improvements, as well as changes for the Frisian version for some users in the Netherlands, Mozilla said.
"Firefox is a security update that is part of our ongoing program to provide a safe Internet experience for our customers," Mozilla said on its Web site. "We recommend that all users upgrade to this latest version."
Security monitoring company Secunia rates the update as "highly critical," one notch below its most serious ranking.
Download the latest version of Firefox here.
Latest Yahoo Messenger breaks out of beta Version
The new Yahoo Instant Messenger with Voice, which offers telephony functions, features more than 180 plug-ins created by developers from inside and outside Yahoo.
Yahoo introduced the beta of Yahoo Messenger with Voice last month.
Two weeks ago, Yahoo and Microsoft made their IM services interoperable. The companies will eventually enable voice interoperability as part of the partnership, Bonforte said. No time line has been set for that yet, he said.
Yahoo isn't the only one beefing up its instant-messaging platform. Last month, Microsoft launched Windows Live Messenger, which automatically updates contact information and lets people share files by dragging and dropping files onto a contact list.
Go get the new version of yahoo Messenger with Voice Version today.
Make sure that you do the Custom install and opt out of the bloatware ( take the check marks out of the dialog boxes) see photos below.

IE 7 will be delivered in the fourth quarter as a "high priority" update
Microsoft plans to automatically push Internet Explorer 7 to Windows XP users when the browser update is ready later this year.
IE 7 will be delivered in the fourth quarter as a "high priority" update via Automatic Updates in Windows XP, Gary Schare, Microsoft's director of IE product management, said in an interview Tuesday.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Programs / web tools I use and how I use them
Here is a list of programs/web tools I use and how I use them.
This is the first post of about four that I will do on useful programs. I may go into more details on some of these programs at a later time but right now I am just giving a short description of them.
Tune Up: Utilities and system tools
Microsoft Tweak UI

Microsoft Tweak UI is part of the Microsoft powertoys. It gives you control of different system settings that you wouldn't normally be able to control in Windows XP. These include mouse settings, Explorer settings, taskbar settings, and more.

WinDirStat is a great program for seeing what's taking up space on your hard drive(s). It shows you a visual of all the files on your hard drive(s) which includes the size and the type of each file.

Like WinDirStat, JDiskReport shows you a visual of the files on your computer, but in a different way. In JDiskReport graphs and charts are used to give you a visual of the file sizes and types.
WinRAR is a useful program for compressing files. I use it to compress things I don't use but want to save for later and for files I send to people.
Belarc Advisor
Belarc Advisor makes a profile of your computer. This profile includes information on your Operating System, your Drives, Processor, System Model, Main Circuit Board, Memory Modules, Hard drives, Network Drives, Printers, Display, Multimedia, Bus Adapters, Software Licenses, Software Versions, and many other things.
Web Tools:
Google is by far the best search engine ever. Without it I don't know what I would do. I use it as my home page, a spellchecker, and for all my searches.
Wikipedia is a good online reference for learning about something quickly. I wouldn't count on it for having perfect information and would not use it for school papers.
25 of the best extensions for Firefox - Have It Your Way!
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How to acces the internet via your standard Microsoft Calculator
When your browser(s) is/are messed up for some unexplainable reason
1. Open your MS Calculator. This is normally found in Start => All Programs => Accessories => Calculator.
2. Open the help-window by pressing the F1 key.
3. Click the top-left corner icon of the help window once (Standard is a Document with a Questionmark).
4. Select Go to URL-address.
5. Type your address into the avaliable field, but remember to type http://, and not just www. (or equivalent).
6. Have fun!
This works with anything that pops up with a similar help window, like Notepad.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
First Dell store to open Tuesday in Dallas
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A new spin on Podcasting BlogTalkRadio
Want to simplify? Add a monitor
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Could You Afford to be Poor?
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Monday, July 24, 2006
Podcasting Grows Up and Gets its Own Academy Awards
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Sunday, July 23, 2006
I have asked my son to collaborate with me on this Blog
Windows Live Messenger Error Code 8100030d
Possible TechTV Reunion?
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Friday, July 21, 2006
Ad on MySpace Serves Up Adware to 1M PCs
"Ad on MySpace Serves Up Adware to 1M PCs
More than 1 million users of MySpace.com and other websites may have been infected with adware spread by a banner advertisement, according to iDefense, a computer security group.
The advertisement, for a site called deckoutyourdeck.com, appeared in user profiles on MySpace, an online community with at least 70 million users, said Ken Dunham, director of the rapid response team at iDefense, which is owned by VeriSign.
The ad exploits a problem in the way Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser handles Windows Metafile (WMF) image files."
Read the rest here at cio.com
Just another reason to use Firefox or Opera for your web browser :)
Guide to Useless Services ( Windows XP SP2 )
Top 100 Digg Users Control 56% of Digg's HomePage Content
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Thursday, July 20, 2006
Cheap Ways to Chill Out
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Microsoft Windows security for computer illiterates
Go over and take a look.
Rent-Free in NYC -- living on the edge of housing law...

Two musicians and a yogi have lived rent-free for two years in a Brooklyn loft. No, they're not living with their exasperated parents or beleaguered girlfriends. They are among the masses of New Yorkers living in illegal apartment buildings, and they stumbled onto the big advantage of residing outside the law: You don't have to pay rent.
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Oppressive heat.. Heat Wave

As you can see from my post for the last week we have been hot out here in Kansas. Yesterday it got up to 107 degrees. I am planning on cooking some hamburgers out on the grill tonight but if this heat keeps up I might just be cooking myself.
The heat wave did give me time to open my computer case and clean it out, boy the fans were really dirty. After the cleaning it did lower the temp by several degrees. With this oppressive heat and our air-condition only keeping the house in the 80s I was afraid the computer was going to fry along with us...
Which Browser is King? Firefox 2, IE 7, or Opera 9?
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Opera USB: Portable Opera 9
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
XP's No-Reformat, Nondestructive Total-Rebuild Option
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
I am sick of the heat
I am sick of the heat. Yesterday it got up to 107 here and the temp in my air-conditioned house was in the mid 80s. This morning when I woke up it was 80 degrees outside at 6 am. Just look at the screen shot. The forecast for the next several days is highs of 105.
Monday, July 17, 2006
The True Batman Revealed
The True Batman Revealed.
Rooters Top Stories
Much to the horror of Navy Seabee Veterans
everywhere, the true identity of the original Batman
has been revealed.
He was a Batbee. Yes, a Batbee.
Files recently released from the Pentagon by an
unknown source sent top brass officials scrambling to
suppress the information. Much of the information
has been quashed, however some photographs were
quickly downloaded and are making the rounds of the
internet. A Pentagon spokesperson told reporters that
most of the information in the files has been retrieved
and the person or persons responsible for the leak have
not yet been identified.
The only information gleaned is that "Batman" the 1960's TV show was based on some of the Seabee's secret "Batbee" missions. All that is known is that "Batbee" trained and lived on board a fast attack submarine which was said to have surfaced at night to release "Batbee" for his secret recon missions. Bats are well known for their radar capabilities and Bees are known for doing secret food dances that only other Bees of that specific hive understand. It can only be assumed that the traits of the two would understandably be a boon for the military. All that remains of these files are the pictures below which clearly show a Seabee cap on the said "Batbee." It has been ascertained that the photographs are original and one can only speculate as to what "Batbee" did until more information is available. Be advised that some of the photographic content may frighten some adults that grew up with "Batman" the TV series. We would advise them to seek professional help if the photographs overwhelm them.

My wife had fun with Microsoft PhotoDraw.
This post is for Cookie, if you want to read his blog go here. :)