Our son in the Navy, John sent us some pictures from when his ship was in England, John went to London with several other guys. John had a great time while there. He had to buy two disposable cameras because his digital camera had some problems. He did go out over Thanksgiving and buy a new digital camera so he will have better pictures the next time he goes out. :) When I talked to John last night he said that he would have pictures taken while they were in Scotland soon.
Good morning everyone, I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving yesterday. Our son John spent the day with my parents and family in Port Orange Florida. My parents picked him up from Mayport Naval base yesterday morning and he had dinner with them yesterday afternoon. John will be with them until tomorrow afternoon when he has to get back to base and his Ship. I talked to John last night and he said the food was great. Today John is out shopping with my Mom. I spent the day yesterday helping with our community Thanksgiving dinner. We were able to provide a good dinner of Turkey and all the trimmings to hundreds of people that might not have otherwise had a nice Thanksgiving diner.
My Dad
John with my Grandparents ( his Great Grandparents)
John learning about Wine tasting from my Uncle John ( my son John on the right )
As we give thanks today, let's not forget our troops overseas, especially since Xerox has made it easy to send them greetings. http://www.letssaythanks.com
Good morning, my son John called me yesterday morning at 5am to tell me that he was almost back in port at Mayport Naval Base, FL. John called again yesterday when they ( The USS Doyle ) finally arrived and he got back to his barracks room, John said that he had a good trip and that it was exciting. He got to see several places in the last two months and he had a good time. John is going to my parents for Thanksgiving this year. My Dad is picking him up from base Thursday morning and will take him back to Mayport Saturday evening, my parents live in Port Orange, FL so it is about a 100 mile drive. We're sure he will have a good time while there, he promised to send lots of pictures and I will post those later in the week.
Good morning everyone, sorry I haven't posted much recently but I have been busy here. :) My kids are doing well. My daughter FC3 Cindy is in Everett Washington and was doing well the last time I talked to her.
My son OS3 John is somewhere in the Atlantic ocean on his ship and also doing well. John has e-mailed us several times, he visited Scotland, England, Latvia, Lithuania and some other countries and had a good time.
John said this about his time in England "I did go to London which was great. I saw among other things Westminster Abby, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham palace and Big Ben. I took 80 pictures while we were there. I bought two disposable cameras and gave one to OSSA R and I used one so I would be able to get twice the pictures. I like it here but I can’t wait to get back to the United States. I bought you and Vicki cups at one of the shops.
When I get back you have to remind me to tell you about the miscommunication in Scotland with OSSN W getting on the wrong train. I can’t tell it by email because I have to pronounce the words for you to understand.
Also we had a misunderstanding in Scotland when we asked for Coke and we got carbonated water… " .
John just turned 21 on the 15th of November he said "My birthday was pretty good. We had Pizza for dinner, a spades tournament, and I played some chess against a Chief, a First class and a LTJG. I also got 14 hours off work due to time zone change and holiday routine schedule. I did not play in the spades tournament because I don’t like the ships rules (no nil or blind nil which makes it get boring), but I did watch it and ate hot wings on the mess decks." John also passed his 3rd class Petty Officer test so he is now an OS3 and taking Petty Officer indoc. Good job John, we are proud of you. John is going to visit my parents for Thanksgiving so we should get lots of pictures of him then. He also took pictures while he was out at sea and we will have those too. I will post some here after I get them. John is also planning on comeing home for Christmas.
That's about all for now, I have to get back to my coffee. Hope everyone has a great day.
Our daughter Cindy called from her Naval base in Everett, Washington and told us not to make dinner today. Cindy ordered us a pizza, cinnamon sticks and Pepsi from Pizza Hut. Thanks Cindy., as you can see from the photos I already took a bite from the Pizza:) Love, Dad & Vicki