Friday, August 24, 2007

I had 13 teeth removed today

I had 13 teeth removed today. I will go to the dentist next Thursday to have the stitches removed. It feels better now than when I had the teeth in. Allot less pain now. Of course my mouth is packed with 4x4 bandages :) The dentist said that the bleeding should stop in a day or two. He did call to check on me and talked to my wife Vicki. She ( Vicki ) gave me a note pad to write notes to her on. ;) I still have all my front teeth so my smile will still be nice, thank God. Vicki is feeding me pudding and Jell-O and a friend Joan is bringing ice cream over tomorrow. The whole thing at the Oral Surgeon took about two hrs. I remember them putting in the IV and when I woke up they were just about done. The pharmacy is going to deliver my medicine tonight and I already had some pain meds here from being in pain for the last month... I am so glad to have this done. What a relief. I also want to thank Doris for driving me to and from the Oral Surgeon today. Thanks again.

Update: The pharmacy did not deliver my medicine as promised and they are closed today.

My Medicine Was delivered. :)

My daughter Cindy in the Navy called and said that she would post those pictures that she took when she went to Chicago a few weeks ago with her brother today so when she does I will post some here. Thanks Cindy. Hope you have a great weekend. Love, Dad

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