Good morning. I am still on my first pot of coffee this morning and it looks like it is going to shape up to be a nice sunny day.
My son John called last night from Mayport Florida. John went to the Jacksonville Chess Club to play chess last night. One of the guys from his ship took him. John has been playing Chess for several years now and is very good. He is in the USCF with a rating of 1198 (Based on 17 rated games). Last night he played in a USCF rated game and won against a person rated 1700, that will boost his rating. I'm not at all surprised. The only reason Johns rating is low is because he has not played in enough rated games. John is going to apply for the All Navy Chess Team next year after he gets his rating up. John was Captain of his Chess Team in High School, Lettered in Chess three years and got a Chess Scholarship that he used his first year of College. We're glad that he can play again while in the Navy and we are sure he will do well.
Link to Jacksonville Chess Events
Just a little side note. Two of the people that were on the Chess team from John's High School are now in the Navy ( that includes John ) the other is a Nuke now and she is doing well. Another guy is now in the Army and is in Iraq. There were several people on the Chess team back then but only a few actually went to the tournaments all three of these kids are now serving their country.