Image via WikipediaOur daughter Cindy in the Navy got her Orders today. She is going to Everett, Washington after she completes FC CIWS C-School in San Diego and will be stationed on the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72). We are very proud of you Cindy. Congratulations and good luck on your first Ship.
ABRAHAM LINCOLN is America’s 5th Nimitz-class Aircraft Carrier and is home ported in Everett Washington.
A Little Lincoln Trivia:
Abraham Lincoln boasts all the amenities found in any American city with a comparable population. These include a post office (with its own ZIP code), TV and radio stations, newspaper, fire department, library, hospital, general store, barbershops, and more. The ship has enough electrical generating power to supply electricity to 100,000 homes, food and supplies to operate for 90 days, and the capability of distilling more than 400,000 gallons of fresh water from the sea each day.
Good morning everyone. It's been a quiet week here in Kansas. Not much going on. I mowed the lawn a few days ago and that's about it. It's going to be sunny and warm for the next several days with daytime temps in the mid 80s. Can't complain about that.
Our son in the Navy, John called last week and needed his College and High School Transcripts sent to his CO right away and needed our help. John's CO is recommending him for the STA21 ( Seaman to Admiral-21 ) program. John said that another Officer on his Ship was helping him get ready for the interviews that are involved with getting into the Officer Program.
Our daughter in the Navy, Cindy is still in her CIWS C-School in San Diego. She graduates July 3rd. Cindy is also in Petty Officers Indoc now. When I talked to Cindy last night she had a cold and was not feeling very well. Hope you feel better soon Cindy.
Our house after I mowed the lawn ( Click Image for Full Size )
This morning my parents in Port Orange Florida took some pictures of the pond behind their house. Take a look at what is in the pond. :) This is only about 20 feet from their back yard.
MSN Money released the results of its second annual "Customer Service Hall of Shame" on Tuesday. The nationwide survey, conducted by Zogby International in March, is a ranking of companies with the worst customer service.
Time Warner's AOL ranked at the bottom of the customer-service rankings with 47 percent of the people surveyed classifying its service as "poor."
It's been a tough few days for AOL as on Friday called American Online the "Worst Tech Product Of All Time."
MSN's "Customer Service Hall Of Shame" 1. AOL 2. Comcast 3. Sprint 4. Abercrombie & Fitch 5. Qwest 6. Capital One 7. Bank Of America 8. Time Warner Cable 8. HSBC Finance 9. Cox Communications
Remember this day our Fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airman, and Marines and all others that have sacrificed their lives for our Country and our Freedoms.
In 1996, a humanitarian organization based in Washington, D.C., known as 'No Greater Love' conducted a survey on children and asked them why do they think there is a holiday on Memorial Day. It was agonizing to hear their remarks that were all associated with barbecues and extended weekend parties and celebration, while they hadn't the vaguest idea about the sacrifices of the soldiers in whose honor it is celebrated. One of the children was even quoted as saying that this was the day when swimming pools open!
Thus, the organization came up with the idea of 'National Moment of Remembrance' to remind and especially, let the future generations know about the real meaning of the holiday. The idea clicked with the President and Congress and since 1997, it became a standard American tradition. National Moment of Remembrance requires everybody to keep silent for a minute, exactly at 3.00 pm (local time) when 'Taps' is played and reflect on the glory of those who have shed blood for us. The federal government hopes to raise public awareness about the heroes and their valor by introducing this moment.
Freedom Is Not Free - Kelly Strong
I watched the flag pass by one day. It fluttered in the breeze. A young Marine saluted it, and then he stood at ease. I looked at him in uniform So young, so tall, so proud, He'd stand out in any crowd. I thought how many men like him Had fallen through the years. How many died on foreign soil? How many mothers' tears? How many pilots' planes shot down? How many died at sea? How many foxholes were soldiers' graves? No, freedom isn't free.
I heard the sound of TAPS one night, When everything was still I listened to the bugler play And felt a sudden chill. I wondered just how many times That TAPS had meant "Amen," When a flag had draped a coffin Of a brother or a friend. I thought of all the children, Of the mothers and the wives, Of fathers, sons and husbands With interrupted lives. I thought about a graveyard At the bottom of the sea Of unmarked graves in Arlington. No, freedom isn't free.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. -John F. Kennedy
Soldier, rest! thy warfare o'er, Dream of fighting fields no more: Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking, Morn of toil, nor night of waking.. -Sir Walter Scott
Our good friends Mable and Joan ( Mother and daughter ) bought me a new gas grill and a tank of propane as a thank you gift, I help them out occasionally and they are always very kind and generous. I couldn't have been more surprised by this generous gift.
I have known Mable and Joan for about 10 years now, and my wife Vicki has a relationship with them that goes back even longer than that. They are like family to us. Just today I visited with Joan for a while and then went to see Mable and she had made me a blueberry pie. Mable is in her 90s and she is such a sweet lady. We are truly blessed to know them both.
Thank you Mable and Joan. I am going to cook on it tonight. :)
I talked to my son John tonight. He was off today. Tomorrow is his Duty day so he will be on his Ship from about 6am tomorrow until Monday afternoon. John was doing well. He bought himself a 160GB IPod so he can use it when he is on the Ship. It will be easer than using his Laptop. John made himself dinner tonight in his barracks and sent a picture. It was turkey, gravy, stuffing, rice, and peaches. He is going to try to go out car shopping in the next week or two. John is going to try to get a picture of himself in uniform soon. The last picture we have of him has him wearing his E2 stripes and now he is an E3.
Vicki talked to Cindy today after the flowers that Cindy sent came. Cindy was doing well and was going to the Beach in San Diego today with her friends. She promised us a picture of the ocean. Cindy also said that when she gets to be a Petty Officer she will send us another picture of her in uniform. We can't wait. :)
My father called me today to tell me that he sent a package out to me. My Dad bought three pairs of shoes in the last few months and they are all tight on him. He and I both wear a size 13 shoe but he need them to be large 13's so I get anything that doesn't work out for him. I have only bought one pair of shoes for myself in the last 10 years. LOL. Dad said that he has worn the ones he is sending out about two times. Thanks Dad. Now if we could just work the clothes out I would be all set. :)
Good afternoon. We had a good day today. My wife Vicki awakened today by Federal Express delivering her flowers that our daughter Cindy sent her for Mothers day. Yesterday she received a Walmart gift card from our son John. Thank you both.
Vicki said that the Walmart card will come in handy and that the flowers are beautiful. Vicki put the flowers that Cindy sent her in her own container and used the one that came with Cindy's flowers to put cuttings of flowers from our own yard in. You made her day Cindy and John.
I also want to say Happy Armed Forces Day to all our service members today.
Our daughter Cindy bought us dinner today. She ordered us Pizza and Pepsi from She is so thoughtful, it's delicious Cindy, thank you. As you all know Cindy is in the Navy and currently in San Diego in CIWS C-School and we are in Kansas.
I want to wish my wife Vicki a Happy Anniversary today. It's been 9 years since we were married and they have been some of the best years of my life. I love you Sweetheart.
I saw the Dr today about my knee. He told me to take 2 Lortab every 6hrs as needed for the pain. I am going to the hospital Friday morning to get an MRI done. Aside from that it's been another quiet day here in Kansas. I did get to Walmart to get some medicine for my high cholesterol and Crohn's disease and ended up getting a good price on Eggs. They had Large Eggs for $1.68 a dozen or .56 cents for half a dozen. I bought two half dozen packages. LOL
I haven't heard from Cindy & John, my kids in the Navy today so no news there. Hope everyone has a great afternoon.
Good afternoon all. Not much going on here in South East Kansas. I have been having some problems with my left knee for the last several days. Sunday it swelled up like a melon so I went to the ER and they tried to drain it and were unsuccessful. I got some pain medicine today and am seeing the Dr tomorrow morning. Oh what fun... :)
Yesterday we had the plumber here to replace our bathroom faucet. It had been leaking for several weeks and got real bad last week. I tried to fix it myself and ended up messing up the drain so that needed replaced too. We really didn't need the extra expense but what can you do? It's all fixed now and we are happy about that.
The kids called Vicki on Mothers day Sunday and they were doing well. John ordered Vicki a WalMart gift card that should be here in a few days. Thanks John. :)
John's roommate James got kicked out of the barracks for failing inspections. He was a good guy, just messy. He will now have to live on the Ship. John is renting a television from James so he can watch TV. John said that it could be a few months before he gets another roommate. John applied for a Car Loan through Navy Federal was pre-approved so now he can start shopping for a car. He looked at the Car Buying guide from Consumer Reports and had picked out either a Honda or Hyundai. We have a Hyundai Elantra and John is thinking about getting the same thing. It got great reviews in Consumer Reports.
I haven't really got to talk to Cindy much but I know that she is doing well. As I said before Cindy is in Petty Officers Indoc now, as well as attending her CIWS C-School on San Diego. I expect that Cindy will do very well, she has always been very smart.
My son John in the Navy serving as an OS on the USS Doyle in Mayport Florida went down to Daytona Beach yesterday to play in a Chess Tournament. My parents live a few miles away and went to see him. My Mom ( Johns Grandmother ) made him cookies to take back to base with him. Here are some pictures that they took yesterday.
John and his Grandfather ( My Father )
John and his Grandmother ( My Mother )
John and his Grandmother ( My Mother )
John ( standing ) playing Chess
John playing Chess against Russian player "Svetislav K Vanon". They had a draw in this game ( neither could win ). John offered to shake the guys hand after the game and Svetislav refused. My parents saw this game and were shocked. John thought it was really strange too. I guess Svetislav was a really bad sport and was mad that he didn't win the match.
FIDE Chess Rule. Any player who does not shake hands with the opponent (or greets the opponent in a normal social manner in accordance with the conventional rules of their society) before the game starts in a FIDE tournament or during a FIDE match (and does not do it after being asked to do so by the arbiter) or deliberately insults his/her opponent or the officials of the event, will immediately and finally lose the relevant game.
I talked to my daughter Cindy last night. She is still in her FC CIWS C-School at San Diego Naval Base. Cindy went to Bush Gardens and Disney Land over the weekend. I was hoping to get some pictures of her while she was there but she hasn't sent any yet. If she does I will post them to my blog. Cindy said that she and her friends had a good time while there. Cindy is also in Petty Officers Indoc Now. She will Probably be a Petty Officer sometime around July when she graduates her C-School. She will then take her E5 exam in March of 2009. Cindy sent me the Petty Officers Creed. Congratulations Cindy.
I am a Petty Officer in the United States Navy, the strongest Navy in the world. I have the distinct privilege of being a leader of the finest Sailors anywhere. As such, I owe my Sailors leadership that they can depend on, trust, and follow.
I will neither fear nor shun responsibility and I am always responsible for my actions. I am always fair and impartial when dealing with my Sailors; remembering not to accept full credit for a A Job Well Done without proper recognition of my Sailors first.
I am loyal to my subordinates, peers, and those officers appointed over me. I cannot favor either; my integrity must be beyond reproach.
I will fully support all Navy Regulations and Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. I have the duty to correct and report all violations of these regulations that govern my Navy.
I instill Esprit de Corps throughout the Petty Officer grades in the Navy; bearing allegiance to each other.
I owe all of the above not to just myself, but to the United States, to my Navy, and to the Sailors who work for me.
Today is my fathers Birthday. I talked to him this morning and he sounded good. He got a Magellan GPS for his car. Tonight he is going to Olive Garden with my Mom and several of their friends for dinner. Hope you have a great day Dad. Love you, John
My daughter Cindy in the Navy in San Diego, CA said that "Today at 0730 we are leaving base and driving to 6 flags then stay overnight in a hotel and then on Sunday go to Disney land. Its going to be me, Keith, Mandy and her boyfriend. I will give you details Monday or Sunday night." I sure hope she takes some pictures :)
My son John in the Navy in Mayport, FL just got his internet working again today. Comcast came out and fixed it this morning. John just told me that his Chess ratings are now 1278 regular, and his quick rating is 1303.
We had a heck of a night last night. The evening started out with a front moving in around 7:30pm. We could see several Funnel clouds from our deck. The Tornado sirens went off 14 times last night from 8pm to just after 10pm and we and our neighbors saw one Tornado around 10pm, it looked like it was out by the Chanute airport ( maybe a mile west of us ). This has been a real pain. As soon as we would get home they would go off again. We don't have a basement so we spent most of last evening at a neighbors house standing outside looking at the sky.
Here are some of the Local Storm Reports. Looks like we should have called in the one we all saw at 10 pm but the tornado sirens were sounding at the time.
Good afternoon. I haven't had time to post much because I have been busy working on my Linux desktop doing some upgrades.
It's a nice warm 79 degrees outside today and we have the windows open for the third day in a row. We love this weather.
I have not heard from Cindy today but I am sure she is doing fine in her CIWS C-School in San Diego. I talked to John Tuesday evening. He had a heck of a day then. He was on a 25 foot metal ladder changing a starter on a light fixture on his Ship and the starter crumbled in his hand and he was electrocuted that afternoon. He said that it was a shocking experience. LOL John is ok, he went to medical and got checked out, he said that he was shaking and perspiring all over for a while after that. The rest of his day was good.
I called our ISP cableone last weekend because we were having some problems and found out that our internet speed was not what it should be. When we signed up we had a 3meg package. At one point that got changed to 5meg and we didn't know it. Cableone upgraded the software to out modem and now we have the faster speed.You can see the results from the speed test I did below.